Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Review: Whym, Manhattan

Whym, NYC interior shot; Image Source:  JoonBlog New York
Image Source: JoonBlog New York

Note: This also appears with my reviews over on Yelp

Maybe it was the company, maybe it was the context, but Whym felt "just right" when I ate there with some business colleagues in late September. It was sophisticated, yet not stuffy. Classy, but not fancy. Intimate, but not cramped. It has an approachable feel. Aspirational, yet familiar - and maybe the fact that it has sort of a Room & Board or West Elm kind of aesthetic has something to do with that. Over the course of the evening I felt more like I was at a dinner party hosted by a friend of a friend rather than at a restaurant.

Highlights / Lowlights:

What was great

- Service. Very good across the board. The hostess, the bartender, our server - everyone was friendly, competent and comfortable. I didn't get a sense that they would rather be somewhere else or that they would prefer we weren't there at all (I know this might seem like a low expectation, but in a world of indifferent service simply being present and friendly can be a nice experience). There also were no hints of dining-as-performance carried out by actors in training using your meal as an opportunity to polish their articulation and projection exercises. Just nice people, not putting on any airs, serving you some good food.

- Dessert. The Smoreswich had some ingoing hype as someone in our party had tried it before. Even with the advance billing, it delivered. Good stuff.

What wasn't great
- Nothing stands out as needing comment here - they had a good night.


The 2 Critical Questions

- Would I eat here again? Gladly

- Did it seem like good value? Yes. Appetizers, dinner/wine and dessert for 5 people under $400 in Manhattan - pretty good indeed.


Food - Good / very good. Entrees at our table included tuna, pork chops, short ribs and roasted duck breast and everyone was happy.

Service - Very good.


Decor - Solid. Smooth and comforting. Stylish without feeling like it's trying too hard. Nothing deliberate, distracting or over the top. Just a nice setting for a good meal.

Random note:
The Hudson Hotel is nearby, which could come in handy for either pre-meal or post-meals drinks and people watching. Certainly a 'scene' kind of place, and pricey (~$15 for odd drinks with hip names), but if you're expensing your trip and need some visual stimulation, check it out.

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